The King's Singers Spirit Voices (1997)

Estilo :música contemporânea acompanhada por instrumentos musicais

1. Lift the Wings (Bill Whelan)
2. Spirit Voices (Paul Simon)
3. She Moved Through the Fair (trad.)
4. In Your Eyes (Peter Gabriel)
5. Fragile (Sting)
6. Kokomo (Mike Love / Terry Melcher / John Phillips / Scott McKenzie)
7. Please Let Me Wonder (Mike Love / Brian Wilson)
8. Weather With You (Tim & Neil Finn)
9. Vienna (Christopher Allen / Warren Cann / William Currie / James Ure)
10. Golden Brown (Jean Jacques Burnel / Hugh Cornwell / Brian Duffy / David Greenfield)
11. Love Is Stronger than Pride (Helen Adu / Stuart Matthewmann / Andrew Hall)
12. Magic Castle (Kwang-Jin Kim)
13. Everybody’s Gotta Learn Sometime (James Warren)
14. The Lord’s Prayer (Albert Hay Malotte)

Download : here

Este cd não é acapella
This cd is not acapella

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